

Monday, 19 January 2009

Deaf but not defeated...

Well folks, so many thoughts today and so little time!

Contrary to news reports this morning, I have to say that I've not had any experience of this being the most depressing day in history. In fact, in general terms, it's not really been a bad one! Ok, so I woke up deaf due to the forced wearing of ear plugs last night, but it was a small price to pay in terms of a decent night's sleep. The neighbour above has taken to early morning and late night stomping about and washing machine use... the latter I hope is not connected to her boyfriend taking up weekend residence! But honestly, the pair of them seem to be feeding off each other's elephant footed nature. Does anyone want to buy a lovely surround sound flat? Or rather 'surrounded by sound'!

I had a lovely text from new boy when I got to work this morning which made me smile. Is it worrying to be so cheery and relaxed after only one date? I feel myself trying to get into the usual panic but somehow I can't quite manage it. I think this is because he is a Welsh sheep... well ok, he lives in Wales. I know there are going to be people out there who now think I am dating a sheep and am a total nutter... Oh and I might get rid of him for a few months when he serves abroad... what more can a knitter ask for?!

And I have discovered the DIY skills of my boss really do take some beating. Well, the new and mightily gorgeous Laura Ashley chandelier is still attached to the plasterboard ceiling and that definitely requires skill in my book. I keep having to nip into the bedroom, flick on the switch and just admire. Payment takes the form of a bottle of red. A girl's gotta love cheap labour :)

My final thought for the day... Next time I decide to beat the post Christmas spread, I must remind myself that doing an exercise DVD only serves to depress me further. I'd rather eat cardboard and cream cheese for lunch than pretend I'm enjoying jumping up and down while a screeching banshee yells 'come on girrrrls' from my television. Fitness level - zero!

Right, must get on with some knitting. Scarf not looking hopeful for next winter at this rate...

1 comment:

  1. Knitter? Nutter, more like! He he

    Cheap labour always a bonus ( :

    Chandelier sounds gorgeous! Good luck with that scarf my lovely x x
