

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Barking Mad?

I was sat in bed last night knitting when I began to ponder an important question - How much do I like dogs? To some this may sound like an odd thing to think over whilst in bed, but it all stems from something that came about a few days ago...

I was having a normal conversation on the telephone with new boy when he suddenly asked whether I would go to a gala dinner and dog show. Apparently this kind of activity is the norm when you are a Welsh sheep. Since he 'popped the question' so to speak, I have found myself considering my level of dog love. And, in particular, dog shows. Do dog show people all wear pink suits and rhinestones? Is there a spectator dress etiquette? Will I get savaged by a pack of wild hounds? Oh, and most importantly, will he notice if I sneak off to the nearest shopping centre? These are all important considerations when attending a show. Of course, I have committed myself to the expedition already so perhaps these thoughts are actually pointless, but none the less, they have contributed to the odd dropped stitch!

The other thought occupying my poor over-worked mind is where I have put the invite to my friend's wedding. Not only can I not remember the date, but the wedding list is also with said invite. I can already feel rising panic and the fear of being left with a single egg cup as the only item under £100 on the list. I am dreading the second round of turning out of cupboards this evening, being a compulsive hoarder of paperwork, it will no doubt end in an avalanche!

Ah well, I'd better start with the wool storage cupboard... perhaps the invite is wrapped up in angora?!

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