

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Ain't grammar important...

Today has been an interesting day, no, make that a very amusing day! For instance, how often is it that the Knitter gets flirted with over the telephone by a hunky fireman?? Yes knitting followers, told this really happened. And how do I know he is hot... well he emailed me a photo of course! Although in true 'playing it cool' stylee, I commented that it was a lovely fire engine (background). I think I may have a thing for men in uniform - what with my lovely army action man and now a fireman, all I need next is a hunky copper to complete the set!

Speaking of which, communications with action man in Iraq are going well. Being a fussy sort, I particularly like the fact that he seems to have the increasingly rare ability to spell and use grammar. Oh, and complete sentences. And not one appearance of the word "ain't". Why do people think that this is cool or in any way regarded as acceptable English? But action man scores serious points for education. All this and a sense of humour... just a shame he lives in Germany when he's not crawling about in the sand arresting bad men.

As I reach my 30th year, I do wonder if there will come a time when I will need to compromise on my need for a man who can spell. I mean, when a girl reaches a certain age, does she need to re-assess the criteria that she applied in her younger years? For me, it has always been about the car and the shoes. If a man can't manage to choose decent accessories, then what does that say about the rest of his life? My chav radar has never been on such high alert, and I've never been pickier. But is this a good thing? Or am I simply trying to protect myself so much that I cut out a potential date due to an "ain't" or two? The question is, can a girl ever truly put on the blinkers for Mr Almost Right?

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